A Season, and More, to Believe

“The start to a better world, a better life, or a better future, is simply our belief that it is possible.”

Laurel Nelson-Rowe, Principal


We frequently see that word, especially this time of year, used in different contexts, don’t we?

For instance, in my home, there are cards, paintings, and tin containers, featuring vintage Santa Claus figures and the simple message: Believe.

Do you?

I do.

During a recent gathering of friends, I noticed B-E-L-I-E-V-E spelled out in red tin block letters that can be lit up at night. The vintage holiday decoration, placed just beneath the big-screen television, could have inspired guests to focus and watch the Green Bay Packers get the win in their latest way-too-close football game.

You’ve got to believe!

A Climate Battle

Several times a week, no matter the season, I walk our dog to an overlook to see whether Lake Michigan is still there. Really, that’s what I say, and do. Every time the blue–at turns brilliant in the sun or icy in winter’s chill–water of this Great Lake is there.

As an essential-to-life resource, it seems a constant.

It is not. As the July 2021 article, “A Battle Between a Great City and a Great Lake,” pointed out: “Climate change has started pushing Lake Michigan’s water levels toward uncharted territory as patterns of rain, snowfall and evaporation are transformed by the warming world. The lake’s high-water cycles are threatening to get higher; the lows lower.”

The impact of climate change is all around us. We can see it, feel it, learn about it—or choose to ignore it–every day.

See and Believe, Or?

Turning an oft-used phrase, British poet and publisher Ralph Hodgson once said, “Some things have to be believed to be seen.”

Are you seeing, and believing, that you, that we, can course correct climate change?

Can you see, and believe, and act to actually conquer COVID?

This LaurelComms commentary started out on a quite positive, even festive note, didn’t it? Now the tone is darker, immersed in our world–sad, angry, divided.

Yet, I must, and will, embrace hope, trust, love.

You should, too.


That’s the simple title of an inspirational book now on my desk—a gift from a close friend who knows we all need a little inspiration, a belief booster, so to speak, every now and then.

As the first page of the book says:

“The start to a better world, a better life, or a better future, is simply our belief that it is possible.”

Believe in a better 2022. I will–and will make it so.
